War Widows’ Stories Interviewee on BBC Radio 4

During the their coverage of the Ceremony of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in London, BBC Radio 4 featured a short interview with War Widows’ Stories’ volunteer Wendy Hutchinson and producer Helen Lee. Wendy met her husband Tony in 1987, when he was a serving in the British Army. Tony left the Army in 1992, suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Order after serving on seven tours of Ireland. Wendy’s and Tony’s story illustrate both the lack of support for veterans and the complete neglect of war widows. While Tony struggled to get help for his mental health problems, Wendy’s need for support remained equally unrecognised. Tony died by suicide in 2015, and you can find Wendy’s and his full story here.

2 thoughts on “War Widows’ Stories Interviewee on BBC Radio 4”

  1. Dear Wendy I’m so very sorry for your loss. My husband was a Royal Marine 42 Commando and sadly went in simular circumstances as your wonderful husband, still can’t say it out loud but I know it’s really happened although it took me an age to come to terms with the loss. Sending love to you and stay strong Rosie xx

    1. Thank you Rosie when I shared my story about Tony, I did it for you and everyone who has gone through the terror of the pain of trying to help someone on their terrifying journey with PTSD.. But your not alone I and others are walking with you Xwendy

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